Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. . .

Monday 9 April 2007

Greetings to all! For those who didn't know some of the church headed away to sunny Bulgaria to ski last week! What a fantastic week it was too! The picture is some of us taking in the view at the top of 'The Wall' (a very tough ski run so named 'cos it was as steep as a wall, I suppose!) You'll be glad to know that I conquered the wall before leaving, and what a feeling it was too!

But anyway, we had a cracking time! Met some new people and made many excellent memories, and all without breaking my leg!

One of the most enjoyable parts of each day is when you are going up the mountain on the ski lift. Take a ride up by yourself and you suddenly find yourself alone, surrounding by the majesty of God. The only noise is the rustle of the wind in the trees and the occasional sound of a ski on snow below! When you turn around you can see for miles and miles! Such wonderful creation made for our enjoyment really displays God's greatness! And so while every day was filled with much laughter, skiing, exhaustion and, at times, a little vomiting (ask Mr Stoddart) we were able to take a few minutes out to appreciate who God was! After all, if he created all this for us, how very capable is he of handling the ins and outs of our lives! And with that encouraging thought I'll leave! Enjoy your holiday's everyone!!


Posted by Chris Thompson at 14:49  


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