Who you are, What you are, Where you are….

Monday 12 March 2007

Hi folks. Just wanted to tell you guys and gals a little of what’s on my heart. Firstly, I never ever ceased to be amazed at how God uses so many forums to speak the same message, all around the same time…maybe cos I talk too loudly and he knows it, so he has to shout a little more with me!

Why am I telling you all this…well basically God has been speaking to me about ‘identity’ for quite a while now and particularly in the last year. If you were in church last night, Philip spoke about how we need to make sure the Cross defines us and determines our identity. It’s so easy for us, even as Sons and Daughters of God, to allow our identities to be determined by other’s opinions, appearance, performance, status. What we look like, what subjects we study, what career we choose, who we hang out with…these are things we can care too much about and seek to be known by.

I love being a mum and nurturing my wee loves. But that became more important to me than God and only when Rose died did I understand that. I trust that he has the best plan for my life and if I am seeking his will DAILY, then even if I am not sure how things will work out, I know and believe God does….that’s fantastic because times when it’s been me in charge have always gone badly pear-shaped! God wants my identity to be first and foremost as a Daughter of his, and being a wife, mummy, sister, friend comes next.

Folks I urge you to be honest with yourselves and particularly with God. He is always there waiting for us and offering his forgiving grace lovingly, if we have been finding our identities in areas other than in Him.

'So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught and overflowing with thankfulness. See to it that no-one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ. '
Colossians 2:6-8.

Praying for you all and don’t forget we value your prayers too!! Love Jenny xox (ha! see the boys don’t do that…ah well I love hugs and kisses!)

Posted by Jenny Hall at 21:59  


Hold on a second Jenny, i'm a modern man and i can give xoxox as much as anyone!!!

Neil Harrison said...
13 March 2007 at 22:11  

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