Saturday, 1 December 2007
Here is the Patience video we showed last week in 20:20. I know some of you couldn't be there and I'm sure all of you would like to see it again anyway!
I've posted a couple of the thoughts and quotes i shared on Patience on my own blog so just click here.
Hectic weekend past...
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
It's been ages since i have posted here but thought i would share a bit about the activities of last weekend! 20:20 celebrated the 18th Birthday of Jessy Stoddart on Friday night with a 60's party in the church hall! It was awesome craic and special mention has to go to the female leaders who put extra special effort in to their costumes as The Supremes. Alas i have no pictures of this to share with you but if anyone has some pics then let me know!On Saturday we had a 20:20 Day trip to Dublin. The highlight of this was the Surprise Mystery Event! This had built up quite a suspense amongst the young people for the 2 weeks leading up to the trip and i don't think they were disappointed. We had booked the Viking Splash Tour, a trip around Dublin on WW2 amphibious (yes land and water!) vehicles called DUKW's. Here's a few pics to give you an idea! All and all it was a great day's craic with the young people who made it along!
Thanking God for Shatterproof Glass. . .
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Have you ever done something really stupid only to later sit back and wonder why you did it? To recollect the events only to find that you can provide no explanation as to why you took a certain course of action? Perhaps this is a common feeling for some of us, but not for me. However, as of last week I can now be counted part of the club!
Why? Because last week, in a moment of blind stupidity, I ran full smack into a window. I was in a cafe and in such a rush to get outside I must have decided that the door was clearly not an option. The clever man goes for the window instead!! Now in my defense the window was very clean, and one could easily have not realised that it was glass and not air in that gap! Like I said, I have often tried to explain what went on in my head, but I can't - it's just one of those things I suppose! The bonus is, since I broke the window, no one else will be running through it anytime soon!
But anyway, as I lay there half embarrassed to death and with concussion probably making up the rest, a thought came over me! Despite what's just happened I should thank God for small mercies:
- I had legs which enabled me to run, even into a window
- Had I required it, there was a hospital 2 minutes down the road
- I had friends around me who took care of me (while laughing hysterically I should add)
- I went home and had a bed to lie on
So next time you're stuck outside in the rain, Thank God that we have enough water. The next time you complain about homework, Thank God that you can go to school. And should the unfortunate happen to you and you run into a window, say thanks to God for all the many things you still enjoy, and perhaps most especially, the gift of Shatterproof Glass. . .
Prayer to an Omnipresent God. . .
Friday, 12 October 2007
As some of you may know I was in Norway over the Summer and I thought I'd show you all a photo and share something that I learned! I think Norway must be one of the most beautiful places in the world - a fine display of God's artistry and creativity with Creation! In fact, surrounded by that Creation I felt the presence of God more than anywhere I've ever been! What was the natural response to that? I prayed, and it seemed like God was only an arm's length away! I was in a 'Cathedral' of Creation - whose walls were mountains and the floor was still water, and God was there with me! And yet, God was no closer to me there then He is right now! He was no closer then than He is when I'm having that crap day, when I feel like I couldn't be bothered, when the weight of the world is on me, when frankly God seems a million miles away! And so the next time you have one of those days, remember God and remember that He hasn't gone anywhere!!!!!
I recently read a wonderful thought on why we pray and I thought I'd share it with you! It's written by an old guy called C H Spurgeon:
"Prayer is in itself, apart from the answer that it brings, a great benefit to the Christian. As the runner gains strength for the race by daily exercise, so for the great race of life we acquire energy by the holy exercise of prayer. Prayer thins the feathers of God's young eaglets, so that they can learn to soar above the clouds. Prayer readies God's warriors and sends them out to combat with their sinews braced and their muscles firm. The praying believer comes out of his closet, even as the sun rises from the chambers of the east, rejoicing like an athlete about to race... Prayer equips human weakness with divine strength, turns human folly into heavenly wisdom, and gives the peace of God to troubled souls. We do not know what prayer cannot do!"
What a great thought! Why do we ever stop praying?
Cheeky Monkey but Amazing Grace!!
Thursday, 27 September 2007
You know the friendships where you can completely be yourself and trust that your mate truly cares you? Well that’s how it is with God except in a much much greater way. When you believe that God desires your heart and loves YOU unconditionally…it changes you. What sort of mummy would I be if I didn’t give Zack a cuddle goodnight, even though I had had to tell him off beforehand? It just wouldn’t happen and God, as our Father, PROMISES to forgive us when we turn to him. No matter how ugly or rotten the thing we have done/said/thought, He will be merciful!
Remember that today and don’t stay away from God because you feel you aren’t ‘good enough’ for him. None of us are without Jesus, yet Satan will lie and tell you God won’t accept you and love you…everybody else yes, but not you. That’s clearly not what the Bible says and it must hurt God when we believe that lie, instead of receiving his life-giving love. Believe Him and accept His immeasurable love!!!
God bless you and bring on Friday night!!
Love Jen xox
Leaders Retreat and Beach BBQ...
Saturday, 15 September 2007
Thought i would post up a few photos of the leaders retreat last weekend and the Beach BBQ last night to launch Fusion & 20:20 for the year. I've written a bit more about each of these on my own blog. Click here if you are interested!
Photos of Leaders Retreat in Donegal
Isn't this one fantastic!
Photos of Beach BBQ at Murlough...
Fusion & 20:20 kicking off...
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
Hello there folks, Fusion and 20:20 will be launching this terms activities this Friday night with a Barbeque at Murlough Beach. We will be meeting at the church car park at 6pm and should return around 10.30pm. The cost will be £3. If you would like to come along then please download a consent form by clicking this link. This also includes my contact details so you can let me know if you are going by WEDNESDAY 12TH SEPT.
See ya there!!!
Holiday Bible Club 2007
Monday, 3 September 2007
I showed this video of Holiday Bible Club at church on Sunday morning. Thought people would like to see it again so here it is! I've also put up the Youth Week video but i have put it on my blog:
Youth week...
Wednesday, 8 August 2007
Apologies for the lack of posting on this site in the last month but i have been away on holidays and at an SU Camp but you can read more about this by clicking here. Youth week (20th-24th August) is fast approaching and i wanted to inform you all that you need to get...
...forms into me by Sunday 12th August. Please, please do this so i have an idea of what numbers to expect!
If you want to see a programme and get an application form they can be downloaded from the church website by clicking here.
See ya there!
Sunday, 8 July 2007
Just got back from a weeks camping at the Kings Hall which could be described in 3 words - wet, tiring and wet! Yes the weather was pretty miserable at times but our guys are a lot of fun and no-one really let the rain get them down. We had to move our tents on Tuesday which seemed like a chore at the time but we got the opportunity to move them indoors which meant all our gear was dry for the rest of the week which was a blessing!
All in all the whole experience was fantastic! The theme this year was SBSUSM07 - 'Stand By, Stand Up, Summer Madness 07'. The challenge being posed throughout was whether we were going to be people who 'stand by' and be a spectator or 'STAND UP' for God and what He is calling each of us to do. The key speakers this year were Bart Campolo and Pete Greig. Bart works in an inner city neighbourhood of Philadelphia with the Walnut Hills Fellowship:
The Walnut Hills Fellowship is just a small group of inner-city neighbors learning to love each other and the rest of the world according to the teachings of Jesus.Pete is the founder of the 24-7 prayer movement that has swept across the world in the last 8 years:Organized in January of 2007, our primary program is a large weekly dinner party which provides both physical nourishment and spiritual encouragement to a growing assortment of neighborhood families and individuals.
Future plans include local service projects, life skills training, academic support, personal counseling, group-building exercises, field trips, and other activities which will improve the lives of those families and individuals and help us grow together into a genuine faith community.
24-7 Prayer exists to transform the world through movements and communities of Christ-centred, Mission-minded Prayer.Bart and Pete both love Jesus and shared practical teaching on how we can all live that love out and affect the communities we are a part of.

This was the first experience of practical mission for most of our young people and they were amazing as they carried on loving and serving people through tiredness and rain even when they didn't feel like it!

So what are you going to do? STAND BY, or STAND UP?
Birthday greetings...
Tuesday, 26 June 2007
Birthday greetings go out today to the one and only Beau of the Ball...
However, that's not the only Birthday we have this week because tomorrow we will be celebrating for...
Posh Dinner...
Saturday, 23 June 2007
Last night was the Annual Posh Dinner for Fusion & 20:20 held in Edenmore. We had 60 people in attendence with a great mix of both age groups and leaders. Everyone looked fantastically well as I'm sure you will agree from the photos, and I think everyone had a great night.
After the meal the leaders gave out awards to various young people for a variety of things. There was a Beau & Belle for Fusion & 20:20 voted for on the night by the young people. This year these were awarded to Simon Hutchinson and Natasha Moffett (Fusion) and Callum McCandless and Rhea Lyttle (20:20). Other funny awards including 'leader obsession awards' and 'we talk too much but don't know it awards' (have a guess at who won these!) were also given out as well as some awards for leaders.
A great night was topped off by live music provided by Kris, Jamie and Tom and it was good to see everyone showing off their moves on the dance floor!
So that's the end of Fusion & 20:20 for this academic year which is very sad but we look forward to picking the programmes up again in September!
Next Friday we will be heading up to the Kings Hall for Summer Madness & Streetreach! This year we have 50 young people attending Summer Madness and 35 are staying on for Streetreach! Last year there were 3 from the 20:20 age group who did Streetreach and it had an amazing impact on their lives and faith so I'm very excited to have so many doing the programme this year because the impact on them will be awesome!
So apart from the logistical nightmare involved in being responsible for 35-50 young people for 9 days with little sleep and poor hygiene, I am extremely excited about the next fortnight and very thankful to God for all he is doing in the lives of young people in our church.Please pray for all of us - leaders and young people - over the Summer Madness & Streetreach experience.
All that remains to be said is to wish a
Few things to remember...
Wednesday, 13 June 2007
This Friday night is the last night for Fusion & 20:20 this academic year. Don't forget 20:20 are splitting into boys (meet in Youth mobile at 8.45pm) and girls (meet at Rigmarole upper room at 8.30pm) for the first half of the evening. We will come together for worship and some food at 10pm. Please try and make it as it should be a special night!
Also don't forget about the Posh Dinner for Fusion and 20:20 at Edenmore on Friday 22nd June. There are still about 15 tickets left so bring your money this Friday night to secure your place! If you haven't paid the full ticket amount yet then please do that this Friday too!Finally i just want to draw your attention to the new website for Waringstown Presbyterian that was launched last week. Click on the logo to the left to access the site and check it out!
See you all on Friday night!
How does God WOW you?
Tuesday, 29 May 2007
I think after Christ, my biggest passion is travelling and thankfully Ive been able to do plenty of that over the years. On Saturday night my friend and I were sitting looking up at the Eiffel Tower (as you do on a Saturday night) and surrounded my thousands of people from all over the world who had clearly travelled to see this sight. She turned to me and asked 'What do you think?'. The typical response would have been 'this is class' but yes even though I tought the Tower was big, it was well constructed, it looked amazing at night when it lit up and sparkled, I wasn't WOWed!
You can argue but I believe that being WOWed is when your heart skips a beat, when you think 'is this real?' and then realise it is, when all around is blaaahhh and all of a sudden out of no where God blesses you.
God WOW's me through His people and His world. I've realised as I've travelled that God chooses to speak to me through the folk I meet and the natural beauty I've seen in mountains and sunsets.I dont have to travel to the other side of the world for this to happen! I hear kids in my class talk about God and I sit back, smile and think 'wow, thank you God for letting me hear that today', I lived with a lady who was blind and going through chemo for the 4th time and never once did I hear her complain and I always thought 'wow, God you blessed me by putting me in her family', I stand in the middle of you guys at 2020 during worship and think 'wow, God these kids love you', and I get texts, notes and emails from you girls and again think 'wow, thats exactly what I needed to hear right now, thank you God.'
One of the most memorable times in my life when God WOWed me was the Winter Retreat. I was WOWed by your attitude, your maturity, your fun, your openness, your faith and your witness. You guys blow me away, and God has such BIG plans for every single one of you. God WOW's each one of us differently, in His own wee way!
How does God WOW you?
Recent reading and thoughts...
Sunday, 27 May 2007
Ok folks, I've just made a similar post in my own blog but i felt it was appropriate enough to post here too! I have just finished reading 'Sex God' by Rob Bell wich according to the subtitle 'explores the endless connections between sexuality and spirituality'. It's an excellent read with Rob Bell's unique and creative style of writing, and ability to draw so much context and depth from Scripture.
One thing he writes about is singleness which resonated a lot with a conversation i had recently with a friend. Have you ever been chatting with someone who you maybe haven't seen in a while and they say to you 'well any girlfriends?' (or boyfriends, if that's your preference!). I have no problem with that question, and more often than not over the last 5 years my answer is 'No'! It's what sometimes happens next that i find frustrating. Their facial expression will change and their head will tilt a little to the side and they will say something like 'Ach well, sure it'll happen sometime!' Words of pity, as if my life is in some way incomplete or unfulfilled - it kinda makes me mad!
Rob Bell talks about this:'It's possible for destructive messages to be sent to people who are single. That they are second class, less than, that they don't fit, that they should find someone, get married, and join the rest of us who are "normal."
I meet people and their life revolves around finding a man/woman. They feel incomplete and believe their life will only really begin when they meet someone and get married. The sad thing is that God has a plan for their life NOW and they are completely missing out on it. I'm not saying relationships are wrong, on the contrary i think relationships are good, but being single is good too. I can't accept the view that one status is better than the other, they are just different. What do you think???
If you are single, and you've been sent messages or it's been hinted at or even said to your face that you are somehow missing something, that you aren't good enough, that you don't fit in - that is not true. It's not just that you're fine single. The premise of the Scriptures is that you are able to connect with God and serve God in ways that those who are married can't. The tilt is for being single, not away from it.'
By the way, Rob Bell is speaking at Spires Conference Centre in Belfast on 12th June as part of his 'Calling all Peacemakers' tour. Click here for further info. Note that tickets can be purchased from Wesley Owen bookstore without having to pay the online £2 booking fee.
Happy Birthday!
Thursday, 10 May 2007
Birthday greetings for today go out to:
This is also a good opportunity to send greetings to:
Hope you both have great Birthdays!
Don't forget Fusion and 20:20 are as normal this week in the youth mobile. See ya there!
Exam stress...
Tuesday, 8 May 2007
I know many of you are gearing up for exams in the next 2 months which can be a very stressful time for some. I completed my last exam in 2001 and i do not miss them in the slightest! As far as I'm concerned exams don't really test a person's knowledge/intelligence. In fact they are probably a more appropriate test of:
- how fast you can write
- how well you can cope under pressure
- short term memory.
DOs Try to work to a revision timetable - start planning well before exams begin - your teacher should be able to help you with this.
Make your books, notes and essays more user-friendly with summary notes, headings, sub-headings, highlighting and revision cards. Try using key words or spider charts. Get tips on other revision techniques from teachers and friends - do what works for you.
Everyone revises differently - find out what routine suits you best - alone or with a friend; morning or late at night; short, sharp bursts or longer revision sessions.
Take notes of important points when revising as an aid for future revision or if you need to clarify something with a teacher. Try explaining the answers to tricky questions to someone else, or look at past exam papers and try answering some of the questions.
Ask for help if there are things you don't understand. If you're feeling stressed out, talk to someone.
DON'Ts Don't leave revision to the last minute.
Don't avoid revising subjects you don't like or find difficult.
Don't forget that there is a life beyond revision and exams.
Don't cram ALL night before an exam.
Read more from the Child Line site >>
On top of this i want to encourage you to not lose perspective at this time. God made us all unique with different gifts and abilities. Some of us are more 'academic' than others and therefore will be more gifted in studying subjects and acquiring knowledge. Others are gifted in creating things, others in sports or music. Others have fantastic imaginations and others are gifted in social skills. There are so many different gifts and abilities that God has blessed us with and no set of gifts is better than another. Sadly we have an education system that still seems to promote 'academic' gifts above the rest that leaves many young people feeling less valuable or even stupid. This is simply not true - to believe that is to say that God made some of us better than others and that would not be a God of love.
So do not let this exam time stress you out to a point that is simply unhealthy. Listen and take heed of what Paul says in Philippians:
Philippians 4:6-7
6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
So with that in mind i (and the other leaders too) would like to be able to pray for you as you go through this exam period. In order to inform us better it would be great if you could leave a comment with your exam dates and we will pray for you on those dates. If you don't want to leave a comment then e-mail the dates to me at, although a comment here would be better as anyone who visits the site will be able to pray for you.
All the best folks and roll on the end of June!!!
R u bov-vered mate?
Tuesday, 17 April 2007
Jesus, our role model and teacher, was and is ALWAYS bov-vered. No problem is too big or too impossible for him to overcome and turn around. Sometimes we just forget to ask him or don't truly believe that he actually would want to hear about us and our fears..but he DOES!!
'Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.' Matthew 11 v 28
What ever you do today and whoever you are spending time with, ask God to use you to bring his love and power into their lives. Not only will he delight in your seeking heart, but he WILL hear your prayer and transform you to be more like Jesus in the process.
'Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. ' Ephesians 3 v20-21
Take care and see you all soon :) Love Jen xoxoxo
Summer Madness continued...
So far we have 14 people registered online for summer madness this year - that's great but I'm guessing there is at least another 20 of you who are going to go so get cracking ASAP cos this booking for the cheaper price needs to be sorted before the end of this month.
Those 14 of you who have booked already then i need payment by Cheque (made out to WPC Youth Ministries) or cash for your ticket (£65 half-way, £80 full-journey) by:
Don't forget that Fusion and 20:20 start back as normal this Friday night!
See ya there!
Summer Madness...
Friday, 13 April 2007
Ok folks, the time has come to get your booking in for Summer Madness this year! Here are some details I have copied from the website of the prices. Should you want more info on the BOOKING PRICES then please click here.
I hope you are getting excited about this! What do you need to do now? The next cut-off date for price reductions is 30th April 2007. If you want to get your booking in before that then click on the link below and add yourself to our online booking for Waringstown Presbyterian Church. You don’t have to pay yet, that will happen later, but do speak to your parent/guardian about this before you commit yourself to going this summer.
Here is that link:
Summer Madness booking for Waringstown Presbyterian.
Please get this sorted out over your Easter break! As soon as you have made your booking then bring in the money (or cheque made payable to 'WPC Youth Ministries') and your place will be confirmed!
Talk to ya soon,
Bulgaria trip!
Thursday, 12 April 2007
As Chris has already posted about Bulgaria i thought i would just stick up a wee photo of some of the lads on the piste!
Birthday greetings!!!
Happy Birthday to:
Also i have just been made aware of another Birthday that took place yesterday so belated greetings go out to the one and only:
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. . .
Monday, 9 April 2007
Greetings to all! For those who didn't know some of the church headed away to sunny Bulgaria to ski last week! What a fantastic week it was too! The picture is some of us taking in the view at the top of 'The Wall' (a very tough ski run so named 'cos it was as steep as a wall, I suppose!) You'll be glad to know that I conquered the wall before leaving, and what a feeling it was too!
But anyway, we had a cracking time! Met some new people and made many excellent memories, and all without breaking my leg!
One of the most enjoyable parts of each day is when you are going up the mountain on the ski lift. Take a ride up by yourself and you suddenly find yourself alone, surrounding by the majesty of God. The only noise is the rustle of the wind in the trees and the occasional sound of a ski on snow below! When you turn around you can see for miles and miles! Such wonderful creation made for our enjoyment really displays God's greatness! And so while every day was filled with much laughter, skiing, exhaustion and, at times, a little vomiting (ask Mr Stoddart) we were able to take a few minutes out to appreciate who God was! After all, if he created all this for us, how very capable is he of handling the ins and outs of our lives! And with that encouraging thought I'll leave! Enjoy your holiday's everyone!!
More Birthday greetings...
Friday, 30 March 2007
This seems to be the week where all the cool people have their Birthday! So today i send out Birthday greetings to:
and tomorrow it's Happy Birthday to:
Another year older and wiser folks!
Tomorrow I'm off to Bulgaria for a week of snow boarding - how exciting!
Tomorrow night - please read this!
Thursday, 29 March 2007
Hi there folks, ive just heard that there is a bit of a birthday party happening tomorrow night which includes most of our 20:20 young people. I had a speaker lined up to come but don’t feel it would be appropriate to let him come and speak to a half empty room! Therefore we have decided to cancel 20:20 worship and speaker. If you would like to still come along to the mobile at 9pm then myself and some of the leaders are going to grab a chip together and have a bit of a laugh.
FUSION will be happening as normal from 7-9pm tomorrow night.
As you are probably already aware, Fusion and 20:20 will be taking a break until after Easter and will resume as normal on FRIDAY 20TH APRIL.
We are planning a bit of an Easter Sunday Night thing (8th April) in the mobile involving some worship, sharing the Easter story and prayer. More details will follow closer to the time and will be posted on the blog so please keep checking it:
Have a great Easter,
Birthday greetings!!!
Wednesday, 28 March 2007
Happy Birthday to me! I am now at the grand young age of 27 - yeah! Not that exciting really as i totally do not feel that age at all - i still feel like i'm about 23! So far my presents include a tool box (complete with tools) courtesy of my parents (now that makes me feel old!) and a T-shirt from my sis!
Much more exciting than my birthday is the fact that i share my birthday with another member of the 20:20 tribe so I'd like to take this opportunity to wish a...
Have a great day and i will see you all on Friday night. Don't forget if you are in 20:20 we are asking you to come at 8pm instead of 9pm!
Questions to handle the HEAT...
Saturday, 24 March 2007
Hey there everyone! For those of you who made it to 20:20 last night i hope you had not just a good experience but a God experience. As promised, I said I would put the questions for reflection up here for you to complete on your own or as part of a small group activity. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Questions for personal reflection: James 1: 1-18
1. The certainty of trials – v2. What current trial has caught you by surprise? In what way did the surprise impact the way you responded?
2. The benefits of trials – v2-4. As you think about this particular situation, how can you see God using it to challenge or change you? What would you not have without this trial?
3. The need for wisdom – v5-8. How has your prayer life been affected by this trial? Does the knowledge that God truly understands, change the way you handled your situation?
4. Two kinds of trials – v9-12. Can you see that both difficulties and blessings can be trials?
5. Temptations and trials – v13-15. What temptations do you face in the midst of a trial? How does this passage, with it’s focus on the individual and the heart, alter the way you think about your situation?
6. Avoiding a negative attitude – v16-18. What has become clearer to you about the goodness and grace of God as you have gone through trials? Has your affection for Christ increased or decreased as a result?
Oh how I missed you all on Friday night. . .
Wednesday, 21 March 2007
Hello all! I'm sure you all know that some of us leaders were away over the weekend at an event called 'NUA' (which means 'new') We were down in sunny Co. Mayo, and on Saturday watched Ireland fail in the rugby at the very last hurdle - oh it brought tears to my eyes!
Anyways, first thing to say is: how much I missed 2020 on Friday! I had an amazing weekend, but somehow missing all you guys and the craic from you all left a little hole in my heart! I look forward to coming down on Friday nights throughout the week and I know that the rest of the leaders feel the same! Hopefully you all have the same sense of 'Roll on Friday' as we all do!
Secondly, I thought I'd impart some wisdom that I have been thinking about this week! At the weekend there we learnt lots of new worship songs (hopefully they'll make their way to the 2020 scene soon!). One of them went like this:
'You are the everlasting God
Everlasting God
You do not faint
You won't grow weary!'
It's based on Psalm 40 v 28 (go have a read of it). Isn't it encouraging though to know that even when we grow tired of life, and sometimes even tired of faith, and weary from the busy-ness of it all, that God himself, who is everlasting, never grows tired of us, of loving us, of desiring to know us! Isn't that awesome!
So next time you grow tired and weary of school, of life, or work etc, just remember that those who trust in the Lord "shall run and not grow weary"!! Renew your strength with God and you can rise on wings like eagles. . .
Hope school is not too much work ( it is Wednesday night and I have 1 more hour of class this week!!!) Cya Friday!!
Chris xoxoxoxoxox (see Jenny!!)
It forecasts the weather....I promise!
Monday, 19 March 2007
How good is 20:20 going at the moment? Don't y'all agree?4 new faces on Friday night which was fantastic to see! Keep bringing your friends and get them to come and join our 'wee family'!
The clock reads 2.10am. I found my bed since last time but my mother put the microwave on fire just hours ago and somehow the burnt plastic smell lingering around my usual "cinnamon Yankee candle" scented home, smells of an actual burning Yankee.
I hope he's ok, he's not saying much...
20:20 worship classics...
Thursday, 15 March 2007
Ok folks, i was thinking of making up a playlist on my ipod of the worship favourites in 20:20 but i need your help! Here's five tunes i can think of that would definitely be on it but i need you to add to this list by leaving a comment below with your suggestions!
1. You are Holy (Prince of Peace)
2. We must go (God of Justice)
3. Shackles
4. Whole world in his hands
5. Dancing Generation
It's over to you! Here is a quote of the day...
A person will worship something, have no doubt about that. We may think our tribute is paid in secret in the dark recesses of our hearts, but it will out. That which dominates our imaginations and our thoughts will determine our lives, and our character. Therefore, it behooves us to be careful what we worship, for what we are worshipping we are becoming. Ralph Waldo Emerson
Who you are, What you are, Where you are….
Monday, 12 March 2007
Hi folks. Just wanted to tell you guys and gals a little of what’s on my heart. Firstly, I never ever ceased to be amazed at how God uses so many forums to speak the same message, all around the same time…maybe cos I talk too loudly and he knows it, so he has to shout a little more with me!
Why am I telling you all this…well basically God has been speaking to me about ‘identity’ for quite a while now and particularly in the last year. If you were in church last night, Philip spoke about how we need to make sure the Cross defines us and determines our identity. It’s so easy for us, even as Sons and Daughters of God, to allow our identities to be determined by other’s opinions, appearance, performance, status. What we look like, what subjects we study, what career we choose, who we hang out with…these are things we can care too much about and seek to be known by.
I love being a mum and nurturing my wee loves. But that became more important to me than God and only when Rose died did I understand that. I trust that he has the best plan for my life and if I am seeking his will DAILY, then even if I am not sure how things will work out, I know and believe God does….that’s fantastic because times when it’s been me in charge have always gone badly pear-shaped! God wants my identity to be first and foremost as a Daughter of his, and being a wife, mummy, sister, friend comes next.
Folks I urge you to be honest with yourselves and particularly with God. He is always there waiting for us and offering his forgiving grace lovingly, if we have been finding our identities in areas other than in Him.
'So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught and overflowing with thankfulness. See to it that no-one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ. '
Colossians 2:6-8.
Praying for you all and don’t forget we value your prayers too!! Love Jenny xox (ha! see the boys don’t do that…ah well I love hugs and kisses!)
Feeling Blessed....
Where are your altars?
I was reading Exodus 20 last week and verse 24b says this:
'Build altars in the places where i remind you of who i am, and i will come and bless you there.'
It's one of those verses that caused me to stop and think for a moment. Where are the places that i am reminded of who God is? Where are my altars? For me these are mostly places of great beauty and tranquility where i am reminded of our Creator God and all that he has done for me. Oxford Island would be one, the Mournes another. White Park Bay is also a favourite. Ive built a few altars in Castlewellan Park down through the years too as a place where i have connected with God and He has blessed me. Most recently i had a God moment in Donegal, late at night on a isolated beach sitting around a camp fire with a group of young people sharing life.
I need places like this in my life where i can go and be reminded of who God is and be blessed by Him there.
What about you? Where are the places that God reminds you of who He is? Where have you built altars and experienced His blessing? I can't wait to hear your comments.
Welcome to the family.....
Friday, 9 March 2007
Bonjourno! Chris here!
It's 2am in the morning and I can't seem to sleep - it's either because I had 2 pieces of pizza too many just hours ago or it's the fact that I can't stop thinking that you guys (yes 20:20 AND fusion) are making me so excited about whats going to happen in the future of our little land!(Our little land is where you want it to be - it could be Waringstown or the whole of Northern Ireland, all the same it's our little land.)
You all know it's election results day today, and although my political knowledge is limited, I do know this - I gave Jesus my vote a long time ago! And you know what is amazing - I have full faith that whatever He's doing in this country and in my life, right now and in the future, He's definately in complete control of.
Jesus needs us though, He needs fusion and 20:20 to work with Him and fulfill this future He so desires for us! We have to act as His "Ambassadors" on earth and follow through with all that He asks of us.
Our "little land" has a future depending on YOU! Something I know for sure is that the campaign has started, and everyone so far is doing a great job! Keep striving to continue on the great work that you have already started folks.
Now I'm away to sleep but I can't seem to find my bed....
Hello again...
Thursday, 8 March 2007
I thought it would be good to get a wee photo up on this blog just for everyone's enjoyment! This one is taken at the Castlewellan Castle Weekend, so if you were there then you should be able to find yourself! Everytime i think about that weekend it makes me feel happy - what about you? I'm gonna try and get some more photos up on this site over the next few weeks so if you have any good ones then e-mail them my way!!!
The journey...
Thursday, 1 March 2007
Welcome, welcome to the new blog for WPC Youth Ministries! I hope you were able to find it easily enough. In order to make it easier for future visits i want you do do one of two things right now:
- Set this page as your 'home page'; or,
- Bookmark this page so you can get here in one click!
- I guess it's really to engage in conversation and dialogue amongst ourselves using the resource of the net.
- It's an opportunity to carry on discussions that may come up in Fusion or 20:20 on a Friday night.
- The blog will be used to point you in the direction of other net resources that may be useful for your spiritual journey.
- This blog will be a place where we as leaders can make you aware of upcoming events or trips.
I hope this becomes a useful resource to keep us all in better contact during the week and I will try to post new stuff regularly!